

Sebagai hasil perkembangan teknologi di era saat ini, internet mengubah tampilan hingga akses layanan hiburan manusia Video streaming yang didukung jaringan internet menjadi pilihan baru bagi manusia untuk menikmati layanan hiburan berbentuk video (film, drama, serial tv, dll). Adanya layanan video streaming  membuat masyarakat mulai berpindah dari layanan tv kabel untuk menikmati hiburan. Dilansir dari sebuah hasil survei oleh Amdocs Media yang tertera di CNET, perpindahan tersebut didasari oleh alasan sebagai berikut (Moskovciak, 2019):  Salah satu media layanan video streaming di Indonesia yang cukup digemari adalah Disney+ Hotstar milik The Walt Disney Company. Hadir di Indonesia pada 5 September 2020, Disney+ Hotstar merupakan bentuk rebranding layanan video streaming Hotstar yang juga dinaungi oleh The Walt Disney Company. Disney+ Hotstar memiliki fokus utama dalam meraih pasar Indonesia dan India, untuk pasar negara lain di benua Eropa dan Amerika digunakan nama Disne...

Escape Room 2019's Review (English-Indonesian)

ESCAPE ROOM Release: January 4, 2019 (USA) Genre: Drama, Mystery Director: Adam Robitel Writters: Bragi F. Schut, Maria Melnik Casts: Taylor Russel (Zoey), Logan Miller (Ben), Deborah Ann Woll (Amanda), Tyler  Labine (Mike), ect. Production Company: Coloumbia Pictures Distributed by: Sony Pictures Escape Room 2019's Trailer Well all of the upcoming chit chat are based on my experience when watching this movie, so I'm sorry if this is going to be a little bit off in any kind of way. So like what I said in the previous post I like stuffs that have mysterious and tensing effect on me when I'm experience it. So I'll rate this movie 8/10 , I'll gladly recommend this to you if you like something that can make you goes wild like in term of being irritated. This whole escape room concept somehow will always make us the audience feels like we're in the same situation as the character or just imagining if we're in the characters' position, we're...


OPENING Alright first of all, I just wanted to tell you some reason why I made this blog. I really love to watch videos, specially movies, with some Mystery, Sci-Fi, Action, Horror, Thriller, Advanture genres. Curently I really addcited to watch any kind of movies with those genre. In a week I could watch 3-6 movies, for days I usually just watch some stuffs from YouTube. In the end I can't leave my day without watching any kind of videos.  My most favorite movies production studios are, MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Universal Studio, Paramount Pictures, Warner Bros. Pictures, Coloumbia Pictures, Disney, Illumination, and Sony. Most of their work never disapointed me, and I like how they pick the right actors and actres for their characters. Oh I love to watch some NETFLIX production too, even though I've only watch 2-3 series and a movie maybe? But NETFLIX's works are dope I gotta admit that! Well I'm not that pro if we talk about cinematic stuff, I on...


HEY THERE! 👀 Welcome to my blog errbodyy, this blog was made for sharing what I thought about any kind of videos specially movies. My name is Nastiti Ayu Sayekti, peeps usually call me Ayu. I'm just a mere student that is curently studying in Communication Science major in Telkom University, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. 💕 This blog may be a bilingual blog, I'll use English (even though its not perfect) and Indonesian (my mother language). I hope that this blog could be usefull in any kind of way.  Please enjoy your time in here! 😊